SBMP RYA Update Feb 2023

Mon 13 Feb

As we are now officially in the Year of the Coast 2023, the Studland Bay Marine Partnership (SBMP) are pleased to update our local boating clubs and associations on what’s planned at Studland Bay for the year ahead.

Whether you are sailing or motoring into Studland Bay in Dorset this year, join the hundreds of waterborne visitors already taking a pro-active approach to conservation by using an eco-mooring. Within the voluntary no anchor zone (VNAZ), locate the distinctive new green and white eco-moorings – an environmentally friendly alternative to dropping anchor. Strong RYA representation within the partnership is helping to ensure that the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) has been working with the most popular navigational apps and local marina guides to provide accurate information for boat users, as well as emphasising the importance of installing VNAZ marker buoys in the future Managing marine non-licensable activity in Studland Bay Marine Conservation Zone - GOV.UK .

A big thank you to the 670+ boat users who completed the independent consultation survey last summer which gave the partnership valuable insights, supporting a collaborative approach to ensuring the Marine Conservation Zone objectives are met, nature can flourish, and people can enjoy the area without seriously impacting the environment. Key findings included strong support for the partnership’s draft 10 Year Management Strategy and Mission Statement and 50% of respondents supported a combination of funding steams to reach our target of 100 eco-moorings - from daily mooring fees to donations from local businesses and the public, to grant funding. Find the full consultation report here Studland Bay Marine Partnership | Dorset Coast Have Your Say

We are delighted to announce that the SBMP has now secured funding for an additional 21 eco-moorings which will be installed this spring by marina group, boatfolk – bringing the total currently available and free to use to 31 for the coming season. As each eco-mooring costs approximately 3k per unit, securing funding and a planned approach to mooring fees in the future is key. Look out for the relaunch of our funding campaign coming soon supporting further phased eco-mooring installation and maintenance costs. If successful, additional moorings could be installed as soon as this Autumn, and certainly by Spring 2024.

SBMP have now formed a Research & Monitoring group to address concerns that came out of the survey relating to scientific data. The group brings together experts from a range of academic institutions and environmental organisations who all have a keen interest in or are actively researching in Studland Bay. The aim of the group is to better understand the current condition of the Studland Bay MCZ and to develop a monitoring plan to support the work of the partnership. The group will also identify future research opportunities and support the Comms Team by developing accessible educational materials.

Continuing to raise awareness of the MCZ and VNAZ to all who enjoy Studland Bay and recognising that we all have a role to play, will remain a central theme for the partnership who will continue to work with the Dorset Coast Forum on engagement activities throughout 2023. Do check out the dedicated webpage for further details on events.

For more information, FAQs and contact details please see our webpage hosted by the Dorset Coast Forum.

Visit Dorset Coast Forum

A Guide to the Club and website

Fri 2 Dec

Click on the links that interest you to be taken easily to the information that you need.
If you cannot find it, email us:

Boat Hire

The Club owns 6 Fusion, single person dinghies, 4 Hartley 15, two person dinghies, 2 Rigiflex safety boats with 15hp outboards and 5 SUPs (Stand Up Paddle boards). If you have sufficient experience and we are not using the boats for training, you can hire them. Please treat these boats as your own, because they are!

Hire a Club Boat

Car Park

The yard is essentially a boat park. In the sailing season it contains our 250 dinghy spaces and in the winter provides space for cruiser maintenance and storage. Its secondary use is as a car park for members. Please keep the office updated with your vehicle details and display a PYC sticker when parking. Please only park in the marked spaces and do not obstruct access to dinghies, the transit of our hoist or access for emergency vehicles. Russell heads our yard team and can be found in the shed to the east of the grounds. Call 01202 672687 ext. 4


We have a great lounge and restaurant. Your card gives you 10% discount. Opening times vary throughout the year and are on our website. Sunday Carvery is a real treat but book in advance on 01202 672687 ext. 3

View Catering

Club Cards

On joining, you will receive a white card with money already loaded on it. Use this to enter through the main gate and it will give you 10% discount at the bar. When funds are low, top up using the Elite Live App

Get the ESP app


The website and lounge screen are constantly updated with Club events. You will receive our regular “What’s on at the Club” emails if you tell us your correct email address. As soon as a Club event is approved, it appears on the website calendar. Use the buttons to filter events or go to the simple summary calendar
Contact us:

View Events

Cruiser Berths

The Club rents a number of moorings just outside the Haven. There are usually spaces in the sailing season. Ask at the office. We have 350 pontoon berths with electricity, lighting and water supplies. These are in high demand and priority is given according to the length of your membership. The office staff will advice on how to apply but in essence there is more chance of getting a small boat in the Haven than a large one. Talk to the office before buying the boat of you dreams.

View Club Facilities

Cruiser Racing

Tuesday evenings and Sunday mornings at the beginning and end of the season are our cruiser racing sessions. There are often places for crew. Come and ask, contact the Class captain or use our Crew Wanted Facebook site. PYRA (Poole Yacht Racing Association) brings all the clubs in the harbour together to travel further and even leave the country

Read about Cruiser Racing Read about PYRA Join a crew

Cruiser Social Sailing

SCOWs (Sailing Cruisers on Wednesdays) is an informal way to join in non-competitive cruiser sailing. Come to the lounge between 10 and 10:30 on a Wednesday morning and introduce yourself to the bunch by the window and ask to join in. If the weather is poor, drink coffee with them!
The Classic Boat section, Cruising section and Shrimpers all sail non-competitively.

Read about Cruising Section Read about Classic Section Read about Shrimpers Read about Sailing Cruisers on Wednesdays


The Club has an automated cardiac defibrillator, in case someone suffers a cardiac arrest at the Club.

It is in the rear corridor between the changing room entrances. Using it could save someone's life.

This link explains how defibrillators should be used How to use a defibrillator
Make sure no one is touching the patient if you deliver a life-saving shock

Dinghy Racing

We have a number of class boats for different levels of excitement. Look at the Dinghy Fleets or come down before a dinghy race session and talk to us. Volunteering as a RIB (Rigid Inflatable Boat) assistant to watch us on the water, is a great way to see which type of boat would best suit you. No experience is required and you will have a safety boat driver to show you the ropes.
Our Handicap fleet allows non-class boats to race or you can just sail recreationally (at no extra charge)

Read about Dinghy Racing

Dinghy Social Sailing

If you have a space in the yard, you can sail your craft anytime you like (if it is safe). Pay your annual social sailing fees and you can join in with Friendly Fridays, Sociable Sundays and the Club Regatta

Read about Dinghy Social

Dinghy Spaces

You will be invited to apply for a dinghy space in January of each year. Priority is given to fleet classes but we endeavour to accommodate all dinghies. If you join or buy a boat at any other time of year, talk to the office about the possibility of a space

Entering the Club

Your membership card will activate the vehicle and pedestrian gates and record your entry.

To exit, drive up to the white line but not beyond or press the small button to the right of the pedestrian gate.
To access the beach gate to the west, you can purchase a padlock key for £5 from the office. Please lock the gate after you.

The Haven boat entrance is monitored by CCTV and we have a boat tagging system to record when you vessel enters and leaves. Get your tag from the office.

Events and Parties

You can use the Club almost anytime that it is open but we will let you know about special events, some of which involve booking in advance. Joining in with the Club regatta, winter quiz nights and frequent parties is part of being a Poole Yacht Club member.

View the Calendar

Event Booking

All events are booked using our event booking facility on the website. This links to our Club calendar. Sailing events take priority but members are able to book request private events.

Book an event


All Clubs need these to function; ours can be seen in the Club handbook. This is kept up to date and can be accessed via the website. You will need to login to Elite Live to view it.

View Club Handbook

Kayaks, windsurfers and similar craft

We have racks available for hire. Apply as for dinghies. You would be advised to lock your craft if possible.

Log in Details

Elite Live is the database portal. You will be provided with a login on joining. If you forget or wish to change this, press the “forgotten password” link. If this fails, contact the office.


We produce an annual Club magazine, which is also available on line and in print. To contribute to this, contact John Withers –

Read the Club Magazine


For most things, ask our very capable office staff in person or call on 01202 672687 ext. 1

Read about the General Committee

Mark Fulton
General Manager
Mark Fulton is our General Manager.
The general committee and its subcommittees (Sailing, Services, Facilities, Membership, IT and Youth) are run by members with input from our staff. Minutes of these meetings can be found on the Elite Live App Go to Elite live


We offer different types of membership though most people apply for full membership.
Members will receive a renewal invoice on October 1st each year. This needs to be paid by October 31st. The easiest way to pay is on the Elite Live App via the website or your phone or you can set up a Direct Debit and never have to remember again. View membership types

01202 672687 ext. 1

Office Opening Hours

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We start most of our races from the race hut on the west bund wall. You are welcome to watch any of the races from here and you might not be able to resist volunteering to help manage the races. Before you start racing with us, we recommend that you watch the videos of the start sequence and read the sequence of class starts in the Notice of Race

View the start sequence video Read the notice of race

Rules and Bye Laws

All Clubs need these to function; ours can be seen in the Club handbook. This is kept up to date and can be accessed via the website. You will need to login to Elite Live to view it.

View Club Handbook

Sailing Fees

There are separate fees for dinghy and cruiser racing. Only the boat owner has to pay these
Social Sailing fees allow you to join in with our Friendly Friday and Sociable Sunday non-competitive sailing sessions. Pay them on the Elite Live App or on the website. The fees cover the costs involved in providing these events.

Read about Fees

Slipway and beach

All members are able to use the beach and slipway to launch kayaks, SUPs and windsurfers for free. However, you can only use the slipway if you can safely navigate the Haven without obstructing other boats. Windsurfing in the Haven is not encouraged because of wind shadows
There are fees for launching dinghies and motorized craft.

Read about Fees

Social Media

A plethora of Facebook, WhatsApp and other facilities will keep you informed of your favourite aspect of the Club. Many sailing groups within the Club use these to communicate with their followers. There are almost certainly more than those listed!

Tagging System

The members voted at an AGM to adopt a boat tagging system. This will monitor when your boat enters and leaves the haven.

Please collect your tags. Attach one to each side of the boat, preferably inside a window, vertically oriented. This will allow us to see which boats are not being used and may help with the berth waiting lists


AJ Windsor

Go to the training section to apply for our many training courses or speak to A. J. Windsor, our Sailing Professional.
It is never too late to learn

Read about Training


Full members can sign up to 12 guests in at a time. Do this using the email facility on the website or the guest book in the entrance
Any visitor can be signed in up to 15 times in a year. If visitors love our Club more than this we invite them to join and become an active part of the Club. This particularly applies to regular crew who are not yet members.


Volunteering is a great way to get to know the Club and your fellow members and allows you to see the aspects of the Club that suit you best. To deter crime, we operate night watch patrols. We expect all able members to take occasional shifts, to protect our Club.

Read about Volunteering


There are 2 dedicated weather displays, one in the lounge and one in the sailing office on the patio. Check these and the website forecast before sailing. They also show the tidal curves and should help you decide where, when and whether to go out

View Weather

The Yard

The yard is essentially a boat park. In the sailing season it contains our 250 dinghy spaces and in the winter provides space for cruiser maintenance and storage. Its secondary use is as a car park for members. Please keep the office updated with your vehicle details and display a PYC sticker when parking. Please only park in the marked spaces and do not obstruct access to dinghies, the transit of our hoist or access for emergency vehicles. Russell heads our yard team and can be found in the shed to the east of the grounds. Call 01202 672687 ext. 4

Read about the Yard

Youth Sailing

Wednesday evenings in the sailing season see youngsters from age 8 develop their full sailing potential and have fun.
The sessions are in great demand so book early.

Read about Youth Sailing

Club Successes

Tue 29 Nov
Club Successes

Lily Eyre has won one of 12 UK wide places on the RYA Diploma in Sports Excellence keelboat training programme

Read the article

Poole Yacht Club Successes at the 2022 Osprey National Championships.

Thu 8 Sep
Club Successes


1st Mat Burge (PYC) & Vyv Townend (Bough Beech SC)
2nd Martin Cooney (PYC) and Peter Frith (PYC)

Team trophy
1st Poole Yacht Club Team A

How to go to France in summer 2022

Mon 25 Jul

The summer holidays are here with us again. The Solent is crowded and we haven’t been to France since before Covid. Here’s how we popped over to Cherbourg for a weekend on my Sadler 32. I’m hoping this short explanation of the formalities can help those unfamiliar with the new changes since Brexit and Covid, if anyone is at all worried about how difficult it might be.

In short, it isn’t! Everyone was extremely welcoming – the marina staff, restaurant staff, border police (Police aux Frontieres, or PAF) and the steps are simple. Read on to find out more.

British reporting

You will need to notify the British authorities that you are leaving British waters, and again when you return. From this year you can do this using a C1331 (see link below) in the form of an excel spread sheet via an email. If you click on the tabs, it will auto populate an email for you to send.

Documents you will need to take

Everyone will need a passport, less than ten years old. While you don’t need a visa for short visits, this is limited to 90 days in every 180 days. Make sure your passport was stamped out the last time you left the EU, if after Brexit. It’s also worth having a GHIC or EHIC.

Someone on board needs a radio licence and an ICC. We weren’t asked for them, but we heard from owners whose yachts were searched at sea.

We weren’t asked for boat papers, but you should have them with you. Registration document (SSR); ships radio licence, insurance documents, evidence of relief from VAT and import duty (VAT invoice), logbook (which you should complete with your voyage details).

Animals on board

You can’t transport animals on your yacht to and from the EU.

Choosing a port in France

Going to France, you will need to enter via an official port of entry. We used Cherbourg. Here is the list of ports of entry on the Channel coast.

Dunkirk, Calais, Boulogne, Dieppe, Le Havre, Honfleur, Caen/Ouistreham, Cherbourg, Carteret, Granville, St Malo, St Brieuc/Légué, and Roscoff. The Cherbourg PAF may be willing to accept entry via St Vaast; you should check if this is still the case.

Dig out the Q flag along with the French courtesy flag. You’ll need the Q flag when you come home too, and the national yacht line (HMRC) will email you when you are allowed to take it down once you have sent them your return C1331.

You will need to leave the EU from an official port too, so that you can get an exit stamp on your passport. Very important if you want to go back there! Special rules apply to Ireland which is not covered here.

Port Chantereyne


We called the port on +33 (0)2 33 87 65 70. There were plenty of spaces and no need to book. Their email address is and their website is The friendly staff were great and very helpful, we felt very welcome. To fill up with fuel, this can be found by going straight ahead to the pontoon right by the harbour office on pontoon ‘J’.

Ship’s stores

There is plenty in the news about taking food to France. You will be OK so long as the food doesn’t leave your yacht. Same for any food you bought in France and brought back to the UK.

Check duty free limits for goods you plan to take ashore. You can bring an incredible 18 litres of wine back to the UK. Happy shopping!

Stamping your passports; submitting your boat papers

The PAF came to the marina office at 9am and 6pm everyday. They will stamp you in and out.

If you miss them, you will need to go to the PAF office which is open 24/7. The address is 27 rue Dom Pedro and is only a 20-minute walk from the harbour office. It’s in the centre of the complex and is hard to find. You can also call the office on +33 (0)2 33 88 72 20.

Each person on board must have his or her passport stamped. They were happy to accept all the passports from the skipper, not everyone had to go. We also managed to get ours stamped the night before an early start back to the UK, we just returned to our yacht and stayed onboard.

You will need to complete a form for entry. This is accepted by email, or you can hand it over. The link is below. If you forget this, the PAF should be able to provide you with a form.


There are no covid requirements now in place in France for those coming from green list countries, including the UK. No forms; vaccination certificates; masks (unless you go to a hospital or similar).

Arrival back in the UK

You will need to fly the Q flag until you have cleared Customs. An email with another C1331 form and a phone call to the Border Force is enough if you have only British passport holders on board.


I hope it encourages you to revisit France. The paperwork can be overcome. I haven’t included every scenario in this article, but it should show you that it can be done!

Useful links

Declare pleasure craft on voyages leaving or arriving in the UK Pontons visiteurs Navigation de plaisance hors espace Schengen Sailing pleasure craft to and from the UK Paperwork Boating with your pet Entry and Exit Formalities Entering & Leaving France for Cruisers Paperwork for going across the channel Bringing goods into the UK for personal use Foreign travel advice France Sailing to France: what you need to know Spearhead
Spearhead Harriet Pickett
Harriet Pickett