The Future of Recreational Boating at Studland
Update to Poole YC members as at 28th February 2021
The MMO have reviewed the response to their request for evidence on the Studland Bay MCZ. Their email is appended and many of you who made individual submissions will have received your own copy. The email has a link to the MMO website where all their lasted published information is displayed. There is much detail on their site and we have tried to condense it
What are the key points
The MMO documents are extensive and cover anchoring, mooring, speed, diving, PWC, all subsea types etc. They have now concluded they currently only need to address the risks from anchoring. They believe the evidence shows that it has an impact on the sea grass beds, and consequentially the health of the sea horse population. The options that they are considering could range from voluntary no anchor zones through to a total ban on anchoringThey have concluded that the current moorings ( 13 ) are not numerous enough to cause a problem and they are therefore not going to take any action. They have said that any proposals for increased mooring would have to go through their normal application process to be checked that they will not damage the conservation interests. They have indicated they are willing to work with interested parties to look at new moorings.
What is the next stage
The MMO next want to engage in a focused discussion with all stake holders to examine the way forward. In early March they will be setting up a virtual forum with all interested stakeholders. We will keep you posted. If you sent a response to the December MMO request, you should be invited.
This discussion is intended to allow them to come to a conclusion on the detailed actions they will take.What is the Club doing?
We have had a meeting RYA and PYA. The RYA have said that they are happy to take the lead in putting forward recreational boating interests. We will continue to work with them and other interested parties. We now need to wait for the MMO’s invitation and their more detailed opinions
What do you need to do
If you are invited to join the consultation please do. If you want to see what the MMO said about your individual comments you can see this in their FAQ section by following the link in their email below.
While we wait for the next MMO communication you may still have comments. Please email them to where they will be collated.
Summary position.
The club recognises that having a fantastic natural environment on our door step is something that we should cherish. We believe that the best way forward now will continue to work positively with the MMO and other parties. We would want to press upon them that the Yacht Club community want to find a way forward that allows us to continue anchor or moor in Studland Bay in a way that is compatible with allowing the sea grass and sea horses to flourish.