Solar Panel Installation
The General Committee approved the installation of solar panels earlier this year. Having considered comparative quotes. ProStar Energy were selected, and the installation went ahead at the end of April comprising 62 panels on the Boat Shed and 22 panels on the club house roof, 3 inverters and a 15kW battery. The equipment is provided by Solax. There is sufficient space to add panels in the future if it is considered beneficial to the club.
The installation was live on the 1st May, and in May and June the club saved in excess of £8,000 on the electricity bills compared to last year. The solar panels are also significantly reducing Co2 emissions. As at the 27th July the panels have generated 17.46 mWh, which is the equivalent saving of 12.37 tonnes of Co2 saved. It is the equivalent of the amount of 204 trees having been planted, or 6.21 tonnes of coal saved.