Poole Yacht Club has excellent services for yachts including berths for 360 boats and a number of swinging moorings just outside the Haven. There is a seasonal launch service to take members to the moorings. We have a large yard for storage and maintenance, available at hugely competitive prices.

The Haven
The Haven provides sheltered berthing for 360 boats. Most of it is dredged to a depth of 2m above mean low water. The pontoons allow for boats up to 40 feet maximum length but most berths are smaller than this.
There are water supplies plus power running to most berths. Electricity is accessed by a card purchased from the haven office or main office. Lights along the pontoons make for night access, and improved security.
There are four main pontoons: A-D looking north to south. From the Haven entrance ,A is on the right whilst D is to the left.
The Waiting Pontoon is for members to load and unload their boats (max stay 2 hours).
To the left-hand side as you enter from the Harbour, the G pontoon holds the R19 fleet. To the right-hand side, the F Pontoon holds smaller boats. Further on is the E Pontoon for Dayboats.
Application for Haven Berth
Berths are in high demand and are allocated on a membership seniority basis. There are separate waiting lists depending on the length of vessel (which includes overhanging parts e.g. anchor, rudder, engines). To be added to the waiting list for a berth in the haven, you have to complete an application form, provide proof of ownership and place a deposit. 90 days after the deposit is received, you are added to the waiting list.
When a berth space becomes free, the next eligible member on the waiting list, with a boat suitable to fit the berth will be contacted and offered the berthing. You are most likely to be successful if your vessel is under 29 feet in length.

We have a number of swinging moorings available to rent from the beginning of April until the end of September. 21 are owned by the Club, others are hired from Poole Harbour Commissioners.
Applications for moorings open on January 1st and close in February. Moorings are assigned on a first come, first served basis. Upon successful application, the mooring space is available from the 1st of April to the 30th of September. Once our allocation is fully occupied, you may be referred to Poole Harbour Commissioners, who own further moorings outside the haven.
Moorings are usually available, with only occasional short waiting lists.

Mooring Launches
We run a shuttle service from the Haven to the Club Moorings. Available from 1st April to 30th September Weekdays and Weekends 08.00 to dusk, on request by agreement with the launch driver
Contact the launch driver on:
Phone: 07469 647305 or 01202 672687, Option 5: Haven Office
VHF: Channel 37 or 80. Callsign Pike (followed by the name of your boat).
The journey is a short 10 minutes from the Club house and will take you to the mooring your boat is on.
Winter Storage
Members can use the hard standing space during the winter for maintenance and repairs from October 1 st to early March. Boats with a Poole Yacht Club Berth or Mooring get 2 weeks free hard standing between October and December.
Haul Out
Our hoist has a total capacity of 25 Tonnes, including fuel and water. Fin Keel boats owners must provide a cradle suitable for their boat.
At haul out, we offer a High-Pressure Clean service spraying the hull of the boat with high pressure water to remove any slime. This service is also available at other times by arrangements with the yard staff.
If you cannot be present when your boat is to be hauled out, we offer a towing service.
Long Stay Hard Standing is also available in the winter months. for a minimum of 22 weeks and a maximum of 24 weeks.
Haul out applications are available from September 1st on a first come-first served basis. Our haulout program is reviewed each year.