The Commodore's Newsletter March 2020

Covid-19 Briefing

3:00 PM
Tue 17 Mar
  • Postal vote for election of Flag Officers and General Committee members.
  • Bar and Catering to close from this afternoon
  • Clubhouse to close but office remains manned
  • Changing rooms to remain open
  • Haul out schedule continues as per normal
  • Owners have access to work on boats and go sailing as they wish
  • Youth: The preseason meeting of March 25th will be cancelled and further advices re Youth activity will be made as soon as possible
  • Club organised non youth training activities: decisions on hold and advices will follow
  • Advices to members will be made through social media, email and the Club website

Last night your General Committee met to discuss and agree how we best manage the very difficult situation which we are all facing and which we are told will rapidly become more serious.

The Committee voted unanimously to ratify the Flag Officers decision to postpone the Club AGM.

The Committee voted unanimously to agree to give members a postal vote in order to elect the new Flag Officers and General Committee members. This is necessary in our rules in order that the proposed Flag Officers and vacant General Committee members can take up their posts from the 28th March 2020.

You will receive by email shortly with a request to agree to the unopposed election of the Committee members and Officers as listed. Please respond to the email asap so that Club business can continue and that we can ensure our rules are correctly followed.

The third agenda item related to how we manage the Covid-19 epidemic as a Club; best protecting both our employees and our members. We must show a community responsibility to the crisis and take decisions based on facts and informed guidance.

The General Committee has set up a “Covid-19 Response Group” This initially consists of the Flag Officers and the General Manager, Chaired by the Commodore. This will be the decision-making team. It will be advised by additional members who have expertise and skills to help inform the decision-making process and help implement decisions reached.

This morning I took specific advice from medical practitioners in our area as to what actions we should be taking now.

This team will also be responsible for keeping members informed on a regular basis of all decisions and actions regarding our Club.

Some decisions have already been taken:

  • From tonight Tuesday 17th March 2020 the Bar and Catering will be closed and the staff have been sent home. Some staff will be attending the Club to ensure that both areas are well maintained and kept cleaned and sterile for when we will reopen.
  • The Office staff, where possible, will work from home. The Office will be manned and Mark will manage the Office to ensure continuity of business and maintain a point of contact for membership.
  • The main Clubhouse will be closed but the changing rooms will remain open and kept as well cleaned as possible.
  • Members will continue to be able to work on their boats, visit their berths and go sailing.
  • Club Organised racing is under review
  • Decisions on this Sunday’s Cruiser Racing will be taken by Saturday 21/03/20.
  • The Yard Staff will continue their work.
  • The haul out will continue as per normal for the time being. Please do not contact the Office and try to change your haul out schedule.
  • Bringing dinghies down to the Club on 28/03/20; this decision will be reviewed in the light of the changing circumstances over the next two weeks and members advised.

All the decisions taken are under review and will be changed/amended as we receive further information. We will keep you informed with any and all information as it becomes necessary. The decisions taken so far should have very little impact on members as no member should be planning to visit the bar or catering facilities.

Please bear with us as we try to manage our staff and members wellbeing; I am sorry if there is some inconvenience, but we are all in this and need to work together for the benefit of the Club.

Stay healthy, stay positive

Kind Regards

Nye Davies


Please remember to use the Club Office as your point of contact for any queries and questions you may have; if Mark/Lorna cannot answer them, they will find someone who can. 01202 672687



Committee Minutes

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