The Commodore's Newsletter August 2022
Commodore’s Summer Newsletter
Friday 12th August 2022
Dear fellow members…
I know I sound like an old record, but sitting here on the recently refurbished balcony, as I am now and enjoying the summer sunshine and writing about one of the best places in Poole, just has to be to be one of the plumb jobs in town! Just the other week we held a new members’ introductory evening. My colleagues spoke so passionately about what we offer and how our new members may best get involved and enjoy our Club to the fullest.
I have tried to steer off too many Newsletters in recent months. You had more than enough Covid bulletins from the Covid Team over the last couple of years! You, like me I am sure, just want to get back on the water and into Club activities again. The Volunteer Teams have all been beavering away and the “What’s On at The Club” notifications are simply excellent! The website has never looked better, and my thanks goes to Chris Playfair, as our Website Master, for all his hard work, day in and day out. We are all coming to grips with our new Membership System (ESP). Mark will be issuing some words of guidance for us all soon.
There are a few updates to mention to you:
Our Club Regatta
A BIG thank you goes to Team Sailing and Team Social for a lovely Club Regatta. A slightly different format to previous years. Sailing Committee will be considering how our Regatta in 2023 is best formatted to cater for as wide a cross section of members as possible.
Staffing matters
Now that Michael Bracken has retired, we are considering the content of the role and how best we may structure our staffing complement. The Launch Driving roster is well covered.
We welcome three new staff members: Stan as our Bar Manager, Carla to our Office team and Ross a chef in the kitchen brigade.
The recently held briefing (Forum)
Rear Commodore Facilities, Barrie gave an outline at the recently held Briefing / Forum of the plans under consideration. Thank you for the comments received; all are considered. Outline budget approval for the capital expenditures for the year ahead has been given by General Committee at our July meeting. Each project then, in turn, must be presented to General Committee with all the necessary supporting details for final sign off. Our Honorary Treasurer Kate advises on the financial / cash flow / affordability aspects on each project as it comes before the Committee. We will keep you updated.
These Briefings and Forums are an important aspect of our Club life, and it is regretted that not all members that wished to attend the recent one could do so, and it was a challenge fitting the briefing into our busy Club programme. Summer Wednesday evenings are busy! The new PA system has now been installed and this will certainly help. We live and learn.

Commodore’s Charity
Thank you for all the efforts with the contributions to the Lewis-Manning Hospice Trust. If you are planning a fund-raising activity and the Commodore’s Charity features in your thinking, THANK YOU. Publicity material is available from our Office team.
The Studland Bay Marine Partnership: Please follow the LINK and have your say!
Planning to sail to Belle France?
Fellow member Harriet Phillips has just returned from France and thought it would be useful to pass on to us all her experiences (what with Brexit and all to contend with!). Please follow the LINK to the article which is on the Club’s website. Many thanks, Harriet, for writing the piece and your very helpful advice.
Elite Live
Mark is busy working with ESP on a guide to simplify your journey through the Club’s new membership system, this will be sent out imminently. Please download the app and familiarize yourself with it.
Wifi in the Haven
We are currently working on expanding the wi-fi connection in the Haven, there is currently a connection up and running called ‘Haven’ with the same password as the Club House wi-fi. Coverage may not extend to the outer limits of the Haven, but this will be sorted out soon.
Boat tags are in the process of being issued, if you have received an email, please collect yours without delay.
Jet skis
Although most of us would probably like to see jet skis banned from the harbour, that is not going to happen. However, the Harbour Master has secured more funds to increase patrols and show a greater presence to deter antisocial behaviour on the water. He has also committed to increase prosecutions and make this high profile, so the message gets out nationally that there are consequences for breaking the rules in Poole Harbour. He will improve their website for the public to report observations.
So… How can we all help? If you observe a jet ski (or any other craft) speeding where it shouldn't be, call Harbour Control on VHF channel 14 or call on 01202 440230 as soon as you can. Even if you can't identify the craft or where it launched, this may enable PHC to track it on radar and CCTV and deal with them in a marina or on a slipway.
If you can record video and load it to the reporting site, then that is even better. With our help hopefully the PHC will get a better idea of the size of the problem and lead to action. So, let's report as much as we can and help control antisocial, nuisance and dangerous behaviour.
General Committee Minutes
Committee minutes can now be found on the ESP Noticeboard, so please download the app, and sign in if you would like to read them. We are currently looking at a solution to make past minutes available.
Security and Thefts
Regretfully, we have received some notifications of thefts and damage to our boats and cars in the Club premises. Please be vigilant and report any activity or theft or damage to the Office team. We do have CCTV operating around the Club. Your Committee will not hesitate to take the required appropriate action should culprits be identified.
Please could I remind you that as per the Club Byelaws all rubbish generated by members whilst on their boats must be taken off premises for disposal. The bins in front of the change rooms are being filled to overflowing and look extremely unsightly especially over weekends.
Notification of deaths
Sadly, we are informed, from time to time, of the passing of a fellow member. An appropriate notice is placed on the Notice Board. I have been asked that we consider how we may improve on the way we notify the wider membership. After some consultation, we have decided that the nearest of kin will be asked if they will allow the news of a member’s passing to made more widely known to us members (via a website post, for example).
In signing off
I am always happy to hear from you, at anytime and on any matter relating our Club. If I don’t know the answer, I probably know a person to ask. You may fancy talking things over with cuppa and a natter at the Club. Just let me know.
Wishing you a great Summer, on and off the water, and many enjoyable hours at the Club

Commodores Newsletters
- February 2023
- August 2022
- March 2022
- December 2021
- June 2021
- December 2020
- September 2020
- July 2020
- May 2020
- April 2020
- March 2020
- February 2020
- December 2019
- October 2019
- July 2019
- June 2019
- May 2019
- January 2019
- October 2018
- June 2018
- May 2018
- April 2018
- January 2018
- December 2017
- October 2017
- September 2017
- July 2017
- June 2017
- May 2017
Sailing Secretary Reports
Members News
- Festive Opening Hours 2024
- Solar Panel Installation
- Four Counties Cruising for a solo Shrimper 19
- Job listing - General Manager
- Maintaining Poole Yacht Club
- Brief Report on 2023 AGM
- PYC and Oil Spill Clean Up - Update No 3
- SBMP RYA Update Feb 2023
- A Guide to the Club and website
- Club Successes
- Poole Yacht Club Successes at the 2022 Osprey National Championships.
- How to go to France in summer 2022
- Poole Harbour Watch
- Soundings 2022
- Studland Bay Voluntary No Anchor Zone
- Commodore’s Newsletter
- Night Watch
- Change to Flag Officer Roles
- Welcome to the 2022 Club Forum
- Commodore's Challenge Trophy Returns to Poole Yacht Club
- Important Notice - Dinghy Park Spaces 2022
- Matt Burge wins the Osprey National Championship and the Fireball National Championship
- Glen Truswell wins the International Canoes National Championship
- Kate Macgregor and her all-female team win the RYA National Match Racing Championship 2021
- MMO Studland Habitat Protection Strategy
- Club Guidelines and FAQs
- Safety Boat News #01
- Report on the 2021 Poole Osprey/Fireball Open
- Studland Bay Marine Conservation Zone
- The Future of Recreational Boating at Studland
- Flare Disposal
- “Lilla” Award for Outstanding Contribution/Achievement to The Poole Yacht Club
- General and Sub Committee Schedule 2021*
- Opening remarks for the Club Forum from John Yonwin
- Zoom set up guidelines
- Christmas Opening Hours
- Surplus Furniture
- The Future of Recreational Boating at Studland
- Ellie's latest kite foiling success
- Angus Kemp makes GB sailing team Laser radial youth squad
- 2019 Formula Kite Europeans
- YJA MS Amlin Yachtsman of the Year
- ITCA Nationals
- Mirror Write Up